Tuesday, June 22, 2010


The person I would most like to join me under the covers is… Hmm, that's tricky. Well... I guess. Oh, let's just say I'm not fussy.

The Duvet who most gets under my skin is… I love all my Duvets for the fine women they are, but if pushed I would have to say Judy. Those rage blackouts can be real, just last week I casually mentioned that her butt looked big in her work uniform and the next thing I remember is coming to with a flanelette sheet wrapped around my neck and Judy frothing at the mouth and convulsing on the floor asking how she got there.

The actor I think would play me in The Duvets biopic is someone sexy. Perhaps Jessica Alba circa dark angel.

The quality I bring to The Duvets is sexual energy and smarts.

Without me, The Duvets would be a lot of duck down with nothing to stop them from blowing away in the breeze.

If I weren’t a Duvet I would be a copy editor or an international wordsmith-come-lyrical ganster.

The song that best describes me is
You Can Leave Your Hat On because sometimes, that's all you need!

I feel sexiest in 1000 thread count egytian cotton.

The last compliment I got was from Judy, she said, I must drive the men wild with my extensive general knowledge and love of sharing it with everyone I come into contact with.

When I have a drink The Duvets would say I mostly get a little, uh, handsie.