Wednesday, June 23, 2010


The person I would most like to join me under the covers is Cat Stevens or Neil Diamond. We’d turn the covers into a fort, sit inside, and make music.

The Duvet who most gets under my skin is… Well, most of the time we are like one big happy family but if I had to choose I guess Judy can get a bit scary sometimes... (I hope she doesn't read this).

The actor I think would play me in The Duvets biopic is me of course! Or if I was too busy, probably Kate Hudson.

The quality I bring to The Duvets is fun times! Lots of love and laughter, (although sometimes I do question if they are laughing with me or at me).

If the other Duvets were asked to describe me they would say… You know what? I'm sure I once heard Cienda call me enigmatic. I think that's a good thing!

Without me, The Duvets would be bland.

If I weren’t a Duvet I would really love to be a kindergarten teacher but realistically I would probably just join the circus.

I feel sexiest in technicolour!

My favourite memory of being a Duvet is when the others agreed to try my idea of a Cat Stevens/Neil Diamond Megamix Medley choreographed by moi! Such a shame we never ended up doing it.

The best beauty secret I’ve picked up is stone fruit. Seriously. Never underestimate the wonders. Fresh avocado masques before bed, plum juice directly applied to pimples reduces swelling, drupe stones make and are excellent for exfoliating feet, fermented grape juice brings a healthy glow to the cheeks… Oh, and peach & plum smoothies help fight breast cancer cells.